CFRC and the Cordova School District work together to provide the Windows to the World
program every summer. This program provides a two-hour block every day for children and
youth to receive a free lunch as well as the chance to take part in arts activities, fun and
friendship. Check back here for dates and details as we get closer to the summer break
from school!
CFRC also works with the Cordova School District to provide a relationship-based
prevention curriculum for grades 7-9 that is embedded in school-based physical and
health education, to promote healthy relationships and reduce interpersonal violence,
dating violence and other adolescent risk behaviors. The Fourth R has been adapted
for use in Alaska, the most recent adaptation includes the Fourth R Alaska Grade 9
version which is an Alaskan-relevant curriculum containing 21 lessons.
CFRC partners with the local Forest Service to hold a one day event during the
summer were we provide transportation out the road and then experience a guided
hike with some of the rangers and then get to catch and release fish. During the hike
youth are taught about different plants, animals, and how to catch and release fish!
CFRC supports the Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program, which
is a comprehensive violence prevention curriculum for coaches and
their athletes developed by Futures without Violence.The program
engages athletic coaches through the Coaches Leadership Program
to help shape the attitudes and behaviors of young male athletes. Athletic
coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young
men, often serving as a parent or mentor to the boys they coach. Because
of these special relationships, coaches are poised to positively influence
how young men think and behave both on, and off, the field. From
speeches to the team, practice sessions, or simply casual conversation,
coaches have many opportunities to impart their philosophies to athletes.
To learn more about Alaska’s project visit:
or visit the Futures Without Violence website at:
Here is a short video on the CBIM program.
CFRC takes part in each year in the state wide Choose Respect initiative. Over 170 communities hold marches, rallies, and community events to bring awareness to interpersonal violence which includes domestic violence. In 2010 the Alaska Men Choose Respect campaign began. The campaign encourages men to become actively involved in preventing violence, strengthening communities, and promoting respect. This campaign encourages the community to become actively involved in preventing violence. Respect is one of the first steps in a healthy relationship. Daily acts of respect quickly add up, and if we all choose respect together we can make a difference towards social change. Watch one or all three videos in the Choose Respect three part video series presented by CFRC, Native Village of Eyak, and Sound Alternatives. Please click on the links to watch the 2021 Choose Respect speakers panel.
CFRC hosts three free one-week-long summer camp sessions every summer
for elementary-aged children.
Scroll to the bottom for 2022 program information
Scroll to the bottom for 2022 Camp dates and registration